Halo 3 beta
by mattster1134 on Comments
I've recently seen footage for the Halo 3 beta(unless you count that leak on game trailers a couple of weeks ago), and I have to say it looks a lot like the first two games. However, im not entirely sure that is a bad thing now is it. If they put down too much changes than they would lose many of their hardcore fans(definition of hardcore is if you play it 2 hours a night). Another thing is the graphics. I mean it looks good, but not Gears of War good. Now I know this is a beta, but I am just giving my initial impressions. I am extremely excited about the new features like the mancannon, the spartan laser, and the deployable equipment. I am looking forward to driving my warthog on the mancannon and getting hit by a rocket launcher while in midair. I am just give my feedback on the whole thing. In fact I have a thoery about this beta. I think Microsoft put it out this early so they could get feedback to see where they need to improve their game by the time it is released. All this aside I still am looking forward to it and im sure that it will not dissapoint. Halo will live forever.
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