i dont know what these sony fanboys are on about saying, why couldnt they put it in before and sony made the right move with sixaxis. they didnt have it at lauch cause they didnt no much about motion sensing technology 1 years ago and the ps3 didnt include vibration so i dont know what the hell there on
lmao!!!! il just put a quote on this.... 'Ozzie234 Sharpness makes your eyes hurt? You prefer BLUR???? Your friends 360 crashing 50% of the time?.... idiocy and complete BS. The ps3-droids does not surprise....lol. You fail.' ur so ingornat but funny!
wow, im atculy really impressed that the 360 looks better on most games. i know i cant say i like the ps3 but im not being bais. its not like the diffrence between the grahics make much diffrence since its still quite slight so ps3 fanboys stop ur **** and go write an bais artical in ps3 mag. And whats the deal with this directx/ openlg crap! well if developers wanna make it on directx let them!! mabye its easyer and you havnt even seen the result of the openlg games yet
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