Ok, lets start off with my union: All started off well, I was overwhelmed that i woke up the morning after i had sent invites I had 22 messages in my message inbox, one was "your union has been successfully created", there was one message from one of my officers and the rest were "someone has enlisted in the free games union" and i went to the boards and whilst i was expecting it to be empty there were 6 messages, all with several posts, I was amazed at my officers hard work and effort they had put into this, THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!!!
Since then things have gotten a bit slower, now just a few posts are emerging occasionally. I am trying to keep it active but i am running out of things to talk about on the subject of free games. I really need any members reading this to post about anything and everything.
Anyway, onto matters of life, the universe and everything. Errm... Not much is happening... I saw a dog on the way to school today... and a piece of litter blew past... OH, Ive thought of something interesting too tell you about: I have no lungs left!!! Ok, I do, but in chemistry we were using extremely concentrated hydrochloric acid, and if we breathed in the fumes it would burn out my lungs. fortunately i didn't or i would be coughing all the time.