[QUOTE="myhai91"][QUOTE="KingDre410"][QUOTE="myhai91"]Like Danny said, it's a love it or hate it game. Personally I tried MHF2 and I couldn't play it more than 20 minutes..I don't know, it's just something that turns me away from it, and that coming from a huge RPG fan, but MHF2..meh.KingDre410
Opinions are horrible aren't they...
probably cause u suck, u cant cope with the difficulty, maybe u should just stick to a baby game like crisis core, ive played it, its too easy.
mhf2 is the greatest psp game, ive logged 85+ hrs to date, and i just got it on the 4th of july. it takes about 15-20 mins to kill some monsters, depending on ur weapon.
there r 2 different types of quests, the elder quests, and the guild hall quests.
the elder quests r easyier than the gulid, it takes about 15 minutes to kill any elder monster, its soo fun.
the guild hall quests r harder cause the monsters get faster and have more hp. guild hall quests r really meant for 2 or more people.
but the guid hall quests can be beaten with time, and practice, and some helpful youtube videos.
What the **** is your problem idiot? Did I hurt your feelings by not saying I liked the game? What the hell man, it's just I didn't like it, it's not that it was hard but the presentation in general didn't draw me in. So calm down and stop insulting me just because I didn't like a certain game.
seeing as u couldnt last more than 20 minutes shows that u dont have what it takes to play a hard game
Opinions are horrible aren't they...
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