v1.6 is up for download now. Please report bugs to me on my email. Thanks and enjoy!
Download v1.6 here
PS3ThemeCreator v1.6 Updates
1. Fixed problem related to p3tcompiler and p3textractor.
2. No need for images to be in 1 directory.
3. Load .p3t files directly into the app.
4. Organized directory structure so user knows where all content is.
5. Added 'Favorite Themes' for easy access to favorite themes for quick editing.
6. Support for upto 16 backgrounds.
7. Checks for correct image size and format.
8. Theme color now show on main view when selected.
9. Added feature to Show/Remove background by right clicking on a background image.
10. Fixed misc bugs.
11. Icons with no image set have borders around them.
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