@phili878: You don't consider Angelina Jolie big-chested?
The original Lara Croft's body type is not realistic, and finding someone who fit those proportions without significant cosmetic surgery would be nearly impossible. The actress playing her now isn't flat chested, she has breasts proportional to her size.
@alucardswrath: That's harsh man, curious what you might look like to be in a position to throw out such criticisms. She has a very pretty face and is in phenomenal shape; she obviously takes care of herself.
@deviltaz35: I agree about Cortana being annoying in 4, but I still enjoyed that game. For me personally 3 was the peak of the series. I don't expect them to recapture the magic. It's possible though, some franchises have eventually bounced back after getting off track.
@deviltaz35: Yeah, I've never actually loaded an old game onto my Xbone so I don't know what's involved. When I bought mine it also came with the download code for the Master Chief Collection so I really have no reason to do this anyway. Still, I think it's good for those who didn't.
I really hope Halo 6 is better than 5. Like many others I did not enjoy the campaign mode. Also, contrary to reviewers that liked it, I hated the changes to multiplayer. I'd imagine the multiplayer changes are here to stay though. I'm hoping the next campaign is better or I sadly might be done with a franchise I've enjoyed for a long time.
@lonesamurai1: I'm pretty sure it's not. I regularly go back to Super Mario World, probably every 3-4 years. The Newer side scrolling Mario games were very good, don't get me wrong, they just don't feel like they are as deep as World. in World there are more secret exits, the whole star road thing, etc, etc. Let's also not forget about Yoshi who was only used very lightly in the subsequent side scrollers compared to SMW.
My opinion isn't as strong when it comes to the 3D Mario games.
@lonesamurai1: As for the side scrolling Mario games I definitely think they peaked with Super Mario World. I enjoyed some of the newer side scrolling games, but to me they felt like fan service and were just missing "something" that the first four had.
For me the 3D titles have all been good, but I have yet to enjoy one as much as 64. I personally feel Sunshine ranks lows among 3D Marios. I really have high hopes for Odyssey.
@lonesamurai1: Cellphone level game? Maybe graphically, but there is a lot more to games than technical specs. There are some absolute masterpieces in this collection that hold up today. Look at Super Mario World alone. It is an absolute master class in platforming, level design, gameplay, etc. Then you have another classic like Earthbound that many people never had the chance to play. It was a deep, quirky, amazing RPG. Those two games alone are almost worth the price of admission.
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