:evil: Having a blast with this game. Although it started out of curiousity after reading/watching Gamespot's Game of The Year info, I'm really glad I gave it a chance. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, it isn't on the same level as COD but the more I play it the more I've come to respect Gamespot's decision to include it as one of the top games for '09. I'm currently on the seventh mission in campaign mode and even in 'recruit' mode it's still quite challenging. I've got two more missions to go before I finish and I'm already looking forward to another run-through at a more competitive level.
Yesterday I spent a few hours in online multi-player mode and that was a good time as well. One of the things that I noticed immediately was the level of competitive play from the other challengers. No where near as brutal as those that I encounter online with COD or Insomniacs all time great game "Resistance:Fall of Man" and "Resistance II". It's like night and day regarding the caliber and skill level of players between Killzone and the other two games I just mentioned. Their reaction time is what seems to be about three quarter speed which also makes it a good time. I say that because I'm definitely not the fastest gun in the west and sometimes the intensity to which COD and or Resistance is played compared to KILLZONE II is vastly different and I enjoy the downgrade a bit. It allows you a lot more reaction time before getting fried and that time allows you to relax a little and enjoy the 'atmosphere'. You have time to look around and perhaps even develop a short term strategy for upcoming encounters. So, yeah, I have to say that while some guys might see the lessened abilities of online players as a drawback, I see it as a plus. In fact the whole reason that I spend more time playing in campaign mode is because of the level of control I have over my gaming experience. It's not that I mind getting shot up so much as I hate playing against groups of people that are so into the experience and live by the "take no prisoners" or "no compromise" dogmathat kind of sucks all the fun out of the experience. I like that the game developers have taken that into consideration by grouping less experienced players to compete against one another in online multiplayer. What I mean is that when the game is staging and you are in the lobby waiting for the game to start (at least this happens in COD and RESISTANCE) and you can see the computer forming the teams with supposedly many of the same rank so that both teams are equal on both sides, I think that's a great concept. The thing is, even though the computer is supposed to make both teams as even as possible in regards to individual experience or rank, it fails miserabley. Right now in COD I'm a mid-level sergeant and in EVERY game I'm teamed up with mostly top players. Players who are, for lack of a better term, super generals to the tenth power. I mean it's obvious that these guys are going to eat my lunch before the game even starts and even though I like a good fight, I'd at least like to have a chance. I guess in a way that system helps me improve my game but while doing so, I'm not having a whole lot of fun and isn't that what the gaming experience is supposed to be all about. Oh well, enough of my whining.
On the bright side of things, as soon as I finish this post I'm going back to kill me some more Hellghast and then later on I'm going to refer to Gamespots year end ratings and see if I can't find me another great game to experience tonight. Man I DO love this age that we live in.