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Format wars!

What format do you think will reign supreme in the end, blu ray or HD dvd? I think blu ray, simply because it has the ps3 backing it. I am aware that sales are fairly tight between the two, but once a good game for the ps3 come out like an ff 13 perhaps or if the price drops it will settle the war! Plus it is technically the superior format, just by specs alone.


The evolution of games!

Personally i would like to see games go down the sweet path of convergence. Take into account spellforce, this game blends a decent rpg with some decent rts elements. Grand theft auto san andreas also blends a great story in an action adventure game and adds rpg elements as well. The Biggest game that iv'e seen to contain a large veriaty of content is Oblivion. This game is an action adventure, with great rpg elements and it all plays in real time. The potential is limitless. For example take oblivion lets say on the nest gen bethesda makes a new addition to the elder scrolls series. In this addition it contains all the elements of oblivion but they add multiplayer, matches and co'op. greater puzzle solving skills ( more interaction with the environment). Heck maybe even some rts elements ( Gather an army and conquer). You could even have some elements of realistate in which you grow a business, create a town and defend it. If they did all that it would be an immense experience that could appeal to almost any game player, especially if everything is optional like in the series thus far. To have a world you can directly manipulate is a thing soon to come, with the phisycs processors on the way i expect the generation after this to be one never forgotten.


Luke ( Any input or opinions Welcome ) MEddick

Crazy ( the future is now)

X box 360, although hardware wise this system hasnt added anything fresh to the market, Its software and available services are what makes this system such a great buy! My friend adam has recently purchased one and we have spent hours playing the limited selection of games for it. The good part is that there are achievements that can be won during the course of the gameand thus adding a compelling element to games. also the online service is impecable, with the ability to demo or see a trailer for almost any game for the system this allows you to make a concious decision before renting or purchasing the game. Not only that but there are a veriaty of fun arcade games for purchase on the market for those who like the simpler side of games. The new era for games seems to be one that, encourages and effectively uses the net. All Great things start from nothing!

Maple story "simple yet very fun"

Maple story is your standered online rpg but the great thing about this game is how colourful it is. Even though it is 2D this simply allows for asthetically pleasing backgrounds. Also the combat is very well done since it is all real time and you have too actively attack a creature. the worlds are limited but still fun to navigate with all the critters running around and you dodging them all to get too your destination. The most important thing ive noticed about this game is that theres virtually never lag and that the people are very plaesent to talk too especially with the emotes you can do. Even a simple smile or smerk can bring loads of fun and humour while accomplishing tedious tasks. This is deffinitly the best free mmo ive played to date and i recommend it too any one who is social or likes a simple (possibly complex) game.

Massively multiplayer online games (so many)

Have you ever noticed how many mmo games there are out there. The sad thing is alot are the same and/or are not very good. There are a few that strive to defy the plain mmo sterio type such as guild wars, this game is one of the few to force players to utilize skill and tactics over number of hours played, thers also the new d&d game coming out that actualy lets you actively dodge attacks i mean WHAT they wont melee hit you from 5 meters away any more thats cool and you can dodge arrows or even magic hurray. Although with all this in mind you have to understand that mmos are always going to be behind when it comes to implementing new gameplay due to the high demands a server simply cant handle 1000`s of people playing and calculating havok physics among other things. But the great news is that you know what new features will be added. soon there will be kingdoms in high detail where its continually evolving and changing. Try to never get addicted to an mmo because sooner or later a better one will come out and youll lose out big time.

Get back to me on any of your ideas about mmos.

Game info god

Maximus Raider

What the future will contain!

Have you ever wondered what new capabilities and improvements games can ensue. Such as a completely interactive field where every particle has its own physics so when a grenade gets thrown it will create a crater but every crater is different. Ive always wanted a game with Comparable to life physics. no limitations to what you can do just to shoot all a wall untill it crumbles before you to have distinctive injuries based on point of impact. Half life 2 shows some of this but we still got a long way too go before the hardware can handle the demands of a unlimited gamer!!!

Guild wars a huge improvement for mmos

Wow guild wars really sheds the light to the less fortunate and allows us to pay a one time fee to play an mmo online. i mean theres a lot of people who want too try a quality mmo but don't want to pay monthly bills or go through all the trouble of making a character know in a few months there not gonna be able to afford the cost to renew so all is lost. well wait no longer guild wars or nc soft has thrown caution to the wind. they have decided to change the rules of mmos. first no monthly fees that may sound good but now to continue the game past the original youll need to buy an expansion every six months but wait the expansion will be just as immense as the original so i say if you want too try an mmo id say start with guild wars.

mmo's are the future

Lets put it this way most people or at least the ones i know like multiplayer and coop games more than playin alone. So this would suggest that most games will soon become largly mmos. i mean i would love to team up with people to play my favorite rpgs or even against them. simply mmos offer a huge community of people and not npcs or at least less of them. theres also room for huge battles that span hundreds of people like battlefield allows 64 people to duke it out and they all have there own strategies and skill it adds exitement. Sooo all i can say is that people are better too play with than their computer controlled counterparts.

The more the marrier

Luke maxwell meddick

A game too remember

Final Fantasy 7

This is the first rpg where the story really drove the game i mean right from the beginning i was addicted. This game possesed all the qualities that were needed to progress the rpg franchise. Great story very emotional too say the least also the customization of materia there were soooo many combinations and the chocobos, golden saucer, extra quests.

this game had it all and is still one of the most memorable games too date

Thanks square enix for such an original and compelling game