Maple story "simple yet very fun"
by maximus2929 on Comments
Maple story is your standered online rpg but the great thing about this game is how colourful it is. Even though it is 2D this simply allows for asthetically pleasing backgrounds. Also the combat is very well done since it is all real time and you have too actively attack a creature. the worlds are limited but still fun to navigate with all the critters running around and you dodging them all to get too your destination. The most important thing ive noticed about this game is that theres virtually never lag and that the people are very plaesent to talk too especially with the emotes you can do. Even a simple smile or smerk can bring loads of fun and humour while accomplishing tedious tasks. This is deffinitly the best free mmo ive played to date and i recommend it too any one who is social or likes a simple (possibly complex) game.