Personally i would like to see games go down the sweet path of convergence. Take into account spellforce, this game blends a decent rpg with some decent rts elements. Grand theft auto san andreas also blends a great story in an action adventure game and adds rpg elements as well. The Biggest game that iv'e seen to contain a large veriaty of content is Oblivion. This game is an action adventure, with great rpg elements and it all plays in real time. The potential is limitless. For example take oblivion lets say on the nest gen bethesda makes a new addition to the elder scrolls series. In this addition it contains all the elements of oblivion but they add multiplayer, matches and co'op. greater puzzle solving skills ( more interaction with the environment). Heck maybe even some rts elements ( Gather an army and conquer). You could even have some elements of realistate in which you grow a business, create a town and defend it. If they did all that it would be an immense experience that could appeal to almost any game player, especially if everything is optional like in the series thus far. To have a world you can directly manipulate is a thing soon to come, with the phisycs processors on the way i expect the generation after this to be one never forgotten.
Luke ( Any input or opinions Welcome ) MEddick