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Why the poor PS3 is losing the battle

WhenI first heard news of the PS3,I must of been the most excited personI know.I just could not wait until it came out but as time went onI got less and less enthousiastic about the console. The extra wait for Europe really put the final nail in the coffin for me, so not long after i desided to get myself a 360 and ive been happy ever since. YesterdayI realised why the PS3 isn't doing as well as other consoles. It's not the fact that its a bit more expensive than the 360 and much more than a Wii and it can't be because of online because its free but it's losing because of the games thats on it. Microsoft launched the 360 and not long after games were stopped being released on the orginal XBox, unlike Sony that still seem to release new games on the PS3 and the old PS2. Why would somebody want to pay quite a fair amount on a new console when the same game is a lot cheaper on the console they have now? It makes no sense at all and yet Sony have yet to pick up on this. Another problem with the PS3 games is that out of about 50 in the range only aroundfive are exclusives to that console which wouldn't be a problem if say there was some extra ordinarily good games in themfive but unfortunatly there are none. Sure Motorstorm and Resitance:Fall of Man are great games but they don't justify buying a console just for thetwo them. I was such a big fan of the PS1 and PS2, spend countless hours playing games like GTA and Devil May Cry so I'm just hoping that Sony learn this before its too late.