@BigTime102 Glad to see Vista wasn't horrible to everyone :) I'm not huge on PC gaming but I run a Korean MMO called Hero Online on my Radeon HD 4850. Just for the heck of it, I tried running it on XP just now (also have dual boot :) ) it runs noticeably slower... I'll probably go ahead and get Windows 7 (only £30 for me :D) but I'm not dumping Vista just yet
So... am I the only who DIDN'T have a problem with Windows Vista?? Worked fine for me, honestly, no freezes, no crashes, drivers worked fine... did anyone else have a good experience with Vista??
here's the thing: if most people aren't like you, mgsseries and dont want to spend half a grand on the console, then no matter how zealous you are over getting it, it'll still lose the console war. But you go ahead, buy it on the day its released (that's when there'll be hardly any good games out for it, like what I meant previously), I'm sure most people would rather wait a while
mgsseries, what the heck u yammering about? the number of exclusive titles available for the ps3 are so limited at the moment, there's no way you can justify getting it over the xbox360. If you actually take a look at the games, you'll notice there's not that much of a difference in the graphics between the two consoles. PS2 was the most inferior system but it still came out on top so just cos the ps3 is more powerful doesn't mean it'll have the best games. And who is supporting the blue ray format exactly? Hardly any movies are coming out on it and cos its much more expensive than the HD DVD, I bet it wont win the format war. Next, who here has a HD TV that supports 1080p? I doubt many people will be getting one of those by the time the PS3 launches. By the time HDTV becomes standard, the next generation would probably already be over. By the way, you forgot choice 3: buy it after a year or two when its price drops a lot. If all that technology you mention is gonna be useful in the future, better to wait a while until the future arrives. In the meantime, enjoy the stuff on the 360 and Wii. I dont hate sony, I loved the PS2 and PSone with the games available to it but this time, they screwed up
maxsteel86's comments