How about gameplay comparisons? Games aren't all about graphics. San andreas and Vice City blow GTA IV out of the water in that respect, no matter how good it looks
The environment (apart from the trees) look good. other than that, its just some sharper textures, some SLIGHTLY higher poly models and extreme use of normal mapping ('SHINY SHINY next gen style') I'm not impressed really, the game doesnt have amazing gameplay either, I dont see how people can be so attached to one single game..especially not this one.. I'm not too worried about gfx..but the systems power seems to be greatly underused, other than the clean fps. If the game was mouse controlled it would be able to put that to use.. I could talk for days about the pros and cons of any game..but yeah..just thought id throw in my thoughts. x Maxxeh
andrewass121 if you were a hardcore gamer you'd like something a bit better than halo!! and the best game on vista? come on! lmao.. outdated do you want to get.. its a crap fanboy game anyway
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