Oh Bon Jovi, I've waited many moons to use that line somewhere in real life hahaha
Well to the matter at hand.. In my previous blog post I lamented about how I literally have nothing to play and I am "goin' out of my frackin' mind" but that issue has BEEN RESOLVED! Ladies and Gentlemen, I bought Orange Box for Xbox 360! :)
Now some of you will say "but Maxx you already own Orange Box on Steam... what gives?" and I'll reply "I'm addicted to Achievements, and I have cash to kill"
So there you have it.. I now own a game twice for the soul purpose of collecting numerous Achievements.. but at the same time I will no longer be bored out of my mind waiting for the next big game, Ace Combat 6.
On another note, I preordered Assassin's Creed finally. I ordered the pack that comes with the super badass resin statue of Altair.. OMG, so hot. As a result of my pre-order I got an Assassin's Creed T-Shirt!! Speaking of t-shirts, we keep getting more and more Grand Theft Auto IV t-shirts here at our studio... They're so cool.. Thank you Rockstar NY for being nice and giving us more swag :P
Anyway I'm going to wait patiently to finish up work here today and go home and enjoy a weekend of chilling with my lady and playing some Orange Box... again. Hey, it's a different platform so technically it's a different game.... Sort of... :P
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