Having trouble sleeping? Watch one of the three conferences that took place this week, that'll put you to sleep!
Now, there are a few problems with this years press conferences. To start, there was nothing new. The point of E3 for us as gamers, and the whole point of the conferences, is to learn about what new games are coming out. to unveil the new franchises and sequels and new consoles and new accessories that will blow open our wallets by the end of the year.
With E3 having taken place so late into the year this time around, the result was that most studios had already announced and/or unveiled their games well before E3. As a result we have already seen trailers, screenshots, read previews and articles. With the conferences this year each one felt more like a montage of videos we'd already seen (or ones similar to them) overlayed in with an hours worth of dialogue and background music.
The problem here, is that no one was truly blown away. We watched Sony's conference while at work today, and when it ended, we all kind of sighed in relief because it was so boring. Nintendo's was even worse. what a joke of a conference, please. Enough to make any hardcore gamer, even the most diehard Nintendo fanboys shake with disgust (which many of my Nintendo loving friends did). Microsoft was the only ones who had a conference that was even tolerable. lots of nice footage, some good statistics, first glimpse at the new Resident Evil 5 trailer, and a couple of other treats made it worth watching for the most part.
When Sony's came around, I was actually expecting them to whip out the big guns, have a super impressive secret lineup ready to blow us all away and make me praise science that I won my PS3. But it didn't happen. Enough about Home! Enough about the 19% slimmer PSP! show me some whicked exclusive titles! nothing knew to show, at all, except Killzone 2, and that looks like the only game even worth spending money on.
Don't even get me started on Nintendo. I regret buying my Wii on launch day, and it looks like my DS is in for another year of playing only Age of Empires.
Anyway, looks like I'll go play something to keep me busy until Bioshock comes out.... mmmm, Bioshock..