maxxorz / Member

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I am going to be so broke by December 31st. Don't tell my bank.

So we all know what the lineup for the final stretch of this year is like.

Games like Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, BioShock, Two Worlds, Halo 3, Warhawk, SKATE, NFS Pro Street, Kane & Lynch, Project Gotham Racing 4, Heavenly Sword, Half-Life 2 Orange Box, Metroid Prime 3, etc... These are the games that are going to murder me by December 31.

Some of you know what I do for a living, for those of you that don't I work in this fair industry as an Environment Artist for a reputable, badass company. I make a rather good salary doing what I do, too. Nevertheless I am going to be more broke than ever before. This lineup is amazing don't get me wrong and I am surely not complaining, but releasing so many AAA titles in such a short period of time is going to wreak havoc on many of us gamers!

It is a brutal, double-edged sword. Great games on one side, no money on the other.

That's ok, I can work off my debt :D