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Fallout 3

With Resistance 2 over, I started playing Fallout 3.

I'm aware this game is going to take a lot of my time. There are simply lot of things to do in this game. The only thing I would complain about it at the moment is that it gives me the dizziness. I figured it's because the motion of walking is too fast compared to FPS games like Resistance 2.

Playing as a geek+survivalist at the moment. I know it's not the best combatant.

Resistance 2 Over!

Finished resistance 2 last night. Felt like a 10 hour game play to me in normal mode.

I gained 31% of the trophies. The rest is in multi player option of the game. Hopefully I get to achieve them sometime in the near future.

Rescue Ranger

Getting to lvl 21 on gamespot was no easy was harder than any MMO and RPG games I've ever played. I don't know how some people achieved so much levels in a short period of time...but thats how it is.

PS3 is getting fun day by day. I haven't connected online yet but I wish I can do that soon.

Resistance 2 is getting very intense. I love the campaign. I gotta admit its been the most enjoyable first person shooter for me.

PS3 Owner Officially :)

I've joined the ranks of people who own a PS3!

PS3 looks sleeker than my xbox 360, and the joysticks are a tad bit better.

Right now I own Gran Turismo Prologue, Resistance 2 and Fallout 3.

PS3 Game Wishlist!

My most anticipated games for PS3:

1. Fallout 3: This game is legendary! I've played all of the fallout series, and man I don't regret doing so!

2. GTA IV:I played GTA on ps2, and I simply loved its gangster theme. This is one of those games where you chose your own gamingexperience. GTA 4 is a smash hit on ps3. Why not try it?

I've more on mind, and I'll update this list from time to time.

Got any recommendation?

Playstation 3!!!

World of warcraft is the best immersive online game I've ever played in my life. I mean you got to see who released it! Blizzard knows what hardcore gamers want!

I've yet to play a game that will replace the fun, and enjoyment I had from WoW. But at the same time, this game requires a lot of your real life time and attention. Sadly, I cannot afford to do that in my life right now.

I quit this game for over 2 years now. And still have flash back memories of fun times at the infamous PvP battlegrounds and arenas. I will always, and I mean always miss my Rogue. It was truly awesome to watch people helplessly die (virtually)

However, very soon I will come back to the gaming world from 2 years of break time. This time I will be the proud owner of PS3!!!

I cannot wait to get my hands on it!


Didn't think Oblivion will be so damn addictive! I played in the summer and I wasn't very impressed back then...maybe because I was trying to play the game outside the rules...if you know what I mean.

Unlike Fallout, you can't wander off right away in the wild and start levelling up. You have to get missions from the city to get good experience, items etc. Well, I found that out recently and I got hooked to this game. Cons for this game: some missions are too easy. Right now I am playing as a pure melee fighter.

From the way this game is looking, you get certain items to convert your character to say a thief class! Playing as a thief is really exciting! I got the skeleton key which increased my lockpick to a journeyman level...pretty cool.

Xbox 360 achievements are also another way to get bad addiction. Once you get a few, you keep going to get more and decorate your xbox live gamer card with achievements and show off to the world! I wonder sometimes if we could buy games...or even get paid for the points we make! Someone will copy my ingenious idea someday for sure.