mazzhar / Member

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Didn't think Oblivion will be so damn addictive! I played in the summer and I wasn't very impressed back then...maybe because I was trying to play the game outside the rules...if you know what I mean.

Unlike Fallout, you can't wander off right away in the wild and start levelling up. You have to get missions from the city to get good experience, items etc. Well, I found that out recently and I got hooked to this game. Cons for this game: some missions are too easy. Right now I am playing as a pure melee fighter.

From the way this game is looking, you get certain items to convert your character to say a thief class! Playing as a thief is really exciting! I got the skeleton key which increased my lockpick to a journeyman level...pretty cool.

Xbox 360 achievements are also another way to get bad addiction. Once you get a few, you keep going to get more and decorate your xbox live gamer card with achievements and show off to the world! I wonder sometimes if we could buy games...or even get paid for the points we make! Someone will copy my ingenious idea someday for sure.