mazzhar / Member

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Playstation 3!!!

World of warcraft is the best immersive online game I've ever played in my life. I mean you got to see who released it! Blizzard knows what hardcore gamers want!

I've yet to play a game that will replace the fun, and enjoyment I had from WoW. But at the same time, this game requires a lot of your real life time and attention. Sadly, I cannot afford to do that in my life right now.

I quit this game for over 2 years now. And still have flash back memories of fun times at the infamous PvP battlegrounds and arenas. I will always, and I mean always miss my Rogue. It was truly awesome to watch people helplessly die (virtually)

However, very soon I will come back to the gaming world from 2 years of break time. This time I will be the proud owner of PS3!!!

I cannot wait to get my hands on it!