A great site not listed is VGTunes. They host a large collection of MP3 format game music and you can request tunes within the forum. I know the site looks dead but I stop in at least once a week.
If Rockstar put a real ad in a GTA game, I'd probably think it was a fake company :D. If the game is meant to contain ads like racing or within a city or billboards, it would feel more real.. as long as the era matched the product. But I damn well better not see any Zwinky loading screens! :x
What, no Power Glove? Poser! :D Other than the PS3 and Wii, that's what mine looks like... ecxept I've got the PHAT PS2 yeah. And my TV's bigger than yours. :D
I think the first FPS I ever played (not counting Duck Hunt as it's technically not an FPS) is 3D Maze Wars for DOS. You wandered around mazes trying to escape, and the enemies were colored triangles. It had 16 colors and the walls were not textured.
The DS has new, fresh games such as Rub Rabbits and Deep Blue (name may be wrong, you're stranded) and the PSP has games you've already played on other systems. It also plays mini-disc movies, which you've already seen before on DVD. But for some reason, the graphics on GTA stories seem to be better and VC Stories can be played online. There is also Metal Gear and Lemmings PSP-only versions.
I had a rough idea about Shadow of the Colossus but let me tell you it looks alot better on a 57" with the High Def cables ;).
ICO was referred to me by a friend at Microplay, and I have yet to play it. Aqua Aqua (puzzle), Road Trip (super deformed racing), Magic Pengel (draw cartoonish 3D combattants) and RAD (giant remote controlled boxing robots with fully destructible buildings) were all bought because they looked crazy weird. I love weird games :). Jumping Flash on the old Playstation was bought for the massive PSX box and polygonal '3D technology'.
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