Hey Guys!
Ok, bare with me on this, please take the time to read this, I'll make it as short as I can.
So recently I have been thinking that I wanted to start making Youtube videos. So I was trying to find a niche that I could get into and enjoy. After some contemplation I came to the conclusion that I could create a find of "Vlog" on Football Manager 2009.(If you don't know what this is, I wouldn't read on :P ) That's all well and good, but how do I get it out there. I could post randomly everywhere, but people don't subscribe and view so I thought "Why not INVOLVE other people".
What do I mean by this? I mean I want you in on it to, in your own unique way. So basically the concept is that I will make a video of me playing FM every so often recording my career. Use guys can join me and do the same thing, and we can subscribe to one another ( We all know everyone wants subscribers and is a great way to get started by getting people together, Youtube is a community after all) and make video responses to each other and get each other noticed, your basically using my idea and expanding it to a variety of audiences and we can compare with each other. (I am trying to get other people involved and not just plainly getting you to subscribe to me, if you have seen my posts on this forum you would understand am I good kind of guy, not selfish etc.)
So I am still a bit vague on how this will all go to plan, so I am asking to put your ideas together guys. Perhaps we can do a video for a month every week etc. We can decide which teams we can do. Still need to decide on what exactly I am recording, obviously your personal progress, but what about news etc. You can give your feedback in a comment
If your like me and starting out, it can be a great way getting your foot onto the first step and the more people that join in and the more coverage and traffic it gets, the more popular it can became, as I have searched and haven't found anything exactly the same, so I thought why not share with others, right?
I am using Camtasia Studio 6 to record my voice and screen and it's pretty high quality. Like most programs like this, you can get a keygen for them to get them for free, or you could use the 30 day trail, there are other programs out there, but not that do both so I would recommend that.
I can help everyone with their vids and ideas if they need a gentle nudge in the right direction. I know this is a lot to ask, but its summer, and most people have a lot of free time, and this is a good way to enjoy your games and get noticed. I myself aren't the best at the game but I really enjoy it and most people do that are interest in football, so why not join up with me and make your vids?
So does anyone want to join? It'll be a fun experience....Hopefully :P
My channel - http://www.youtube.com/Bongster7
If you are interested, add you Youtube account and subscribe to me and I'll subscribe back and we can find some time to discuss what we will do and how to get it out into the Youtube community.