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So, Want to know a little about my gaming life?

So who am I? What the hell am I doing here? Read more and you'll find out, I'll keep it short and sweet...Promise :-) Actually probably won't, but what can you do? "Make it shorter"....Too Late, Sorry.

Well First of all my name is Aaron Mc Closkey (r-on mik-clus-key) - Why I did that was because a lot of people tend to pronounce it wrong, it's simple, trust me. I live in Loughgiel (Where?) a small, small village in Northern Ireland in the County of Antrim, you could seriously search it on Wiki if you could find it any benefit. I am 17 years old, fastly approaching 18, yes I can hardly wait either...

So I play games, quite a bit I must admit, but considering where I live, it passes the time pretty well. My first console was a Gameboy, never even heard about videogames until I picked up that bad boy. Really all I remember playing on it was Pokemon...Like c'mon who didn't have that game? I am a bit vague in years but I think I got that when I was 6 or 7 but those were good times, that game has never been matched in my eyes by the sheer enjoyment and re playability. Mario games of course I have had on every Nintendo console, do I even need to mention how awesome they are?

Next I moved onto consoles and begged Santa to get me a PS1 in the year 1999. First game I got was Rayman, I don't even think I completed the first 10 levels, have a vague memory of trying to jump over the rising water, but simply my ability would not allow for that to happen and failed, miserably at that game. I also had a Casper game, but was to scared to play it, the big fat one would make noises and would pass my controller to my mum to try and finish that level for me. I had a few other games, but not worth noting as they were not enjoyable, not did I know how to complete them, probably my problem with most games when I was younger. First game I believe I completed was Hogs of War, absolutely loved that game, truly if you ever find yourself splashing out your spare change on a PS1 get it. I was a big fan of the FIFA series and have been since FIFA 2000 which was favourite game on that console.

The beast that was the PS2 was next in 2001 ( Yeah got it a bit late :-( ) So many games that I just can't be bothered mentioning, but it had it's fair share or brilliant games, All the WWE games, Tekkan, FIFA where those annual games I got. I never really had many shooters except black, which I never got into finishing but was one of the best looking games on that system. Had Gran Turismo 3 which I almost completed I remember it pretty well, there was a 24 hour race which lasted quite a lot less, but still was a good 8 hours long I think, and to cap it all of it was like circling a plug hole continuously without stopping, Frustrating? Yes! Very much so, but was worth it, was a really good game. Well of course I could not forgot to mention one of the best games ever and one of the best IP's, that is GTA, GTA: San Andreas had me hooked, and not just the storyline, but following a binco van around the whole game, attempting to find big foot and driving a caravan full of those "dirty" women of Mount Chiliad and of course get fat, its easy in game as it's easy in reality unfortunately.

The Game cube was next, quite a "meh" console for me, when I purchased it the Christmas of 2002 (Yes I actually had to buy my own Gamecube, for Christmas). Good as it was, the PS2 had better games that suited me personally. Of course I had to have the Mario games, they were so enjoyable, Mario Party I found to be my Favourite as I could play with my family, which is fun and really a game that has to played with others. Other than that I found nothing enjoyable enough to finish or to be contempt with.

So, next was the Gamboy Advance SP in the year 2004, the upgrade from the Gameboy advance, and another chance to delve into the latest Pokemon game, really, was just awesome playing Gold, which I then lost, then got Silver. (Sad I know) Never really got into any other game except Yu-Gi-Oh which supported Link up so I could beat (or in most cases, get my behind smack continuously by my friends) my mates.

I was a late comer to the whole XBOX thing. Bought a pre owned XBOX in 2006, I even have the receipt somewhere (Trust me, it's good to keep your receipts), but I am lazy and trying to search for it would almost be redundant. I do remember it costing me only £80 along with; Halo 2, Loved the games story, I never got LIVE to experience it online, but the story was great and I think it was the first shooter I completed and I enjoyed it and felt confident with my FPS ability ( that was until I came up against a few of my friends). Splinter Cell, Not worth talking about (Never got past the first level lol ) and it took me a week until I played this game, but wow, what a game, Fable. Honestly one of the best games I ever played of that Genre and Fable 2 is nothing compared to the experience of the first installment, played that game over twice, awesome, awesome, awesome game, seriously recommend buying that game, well worth the money(You can buy it from the XBOX Originals on the XBOX360 marketplace)

NintendoDS, was the next handheld I got on release date, 2005. I remember opening it up on the way home I though I got a pink, God Damn the pink packaging they had, really would not of affecting the gaming but, I'm a guy, you have to understand we need the hardcore metallic to show our manliness. Super Mario 64 DS was the first game, again, like any Mario game really enjoyed it, hated those bunnies though, found them hard to catch. Although as a whole didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would, the games were too childish and Pokemon was too babyish for me now and never purchased. To be honest I don't think I enjoyed another game on the DS, never had many game on it to enjoy on it in the first place. But now my aunt and my sister play them both to death, must be a girly console then?

PSP, came after, later in the same year, again hyped it up too much, didn't enjoy it ever game I would have had an interest in was multi platform and everything multi-platform went into the PS2's disk tray as he gobbled away all those games. Only game I really enjoyed was Football Manager, best thing was I didn't have to have my computer on to play it and I could play it anywhere, even at night when I coouldn't get to sleep I would my team to glory....Yeah, didn't sound right to me either, but I'll go along with it.

Then it was beast V2 that entered my room and still remains there, unlike everything else which is in someone else's room, who knows you might even have my tea stained PS1, do you? Of course it was the XBOX360, got it in late 2007, again was a little late but I have done more to make up for it (Sorry Playstation, Fanboys you come next). When we talk about console wars, the only solution is which one do you have most mates on, that's the one you'll enjoy the most, guarantee it, Ill even bet my broken door knob on it. Where do I start? "Your first game", cheers for that... Yes my first game was Halo 3, played it too death, got boring and the constant 12 year olds destroying my precious ears kind of lead me of that and onto another game that does the same thing, Call of Duty, for me I need friends to play this game, lucky I have a lot, so I play it quite often and enjoy it, sorry for using the word enjoy so much, English is not my strongest point, but I got a B in my GCSE's so I'm happy. Other stand out games that I just would recommend you buying for the sheer gameplay and most re playability and especially, you need friends, or even a friend to enjoy most games, I'll make a wee list here to make it easy on the eyes.

  • Bioshock

  • Mass Effect

  • Gears of War (1+2)

  • FIFA

  • Crackdown

  • GTA4 (iffy one, but you'll probably like it if your a fan of GTA, but there's too many out there that are similar)

  • Guitar Hero (All of them) Same for Rockband

  • Orange Box (If your the puzzlyFPSTactical kind of guy or girl)

  • Fallout and Oblivion(Never really played Oblivion but if it's anything like Fallout it can only be good)

  • Fable 2

  • Assassins Creed

Of course, it's arguable, but so is everything in life just got to think to everyone has their own opinion and to each their own and you must respect that.

So my final installment was the PS3, very recently actually, a month ago, can't remember the date but a month is a month and it'll stay like that. Have enjoyed it so far, except for online, where no one speaks the either fear my presence or just don't have a mic. Only had a few games, but I have been pleasantly surprised but Uncharted, loved it and can't wait for the second, especially with the online functionality which from the beta was pretty good. LittleBigPlanet, was awesome as well, can get tricky but really fun and it's a simple pick up and play, or create in this case. Also got Call of Duty WaW, no real difference from skill levels on each console, just different when playing with other friends but still pretty good. Killzone 2 was...alright, the story was lacklustre and just tried to finish it, but was a game I fell away from, online was great though, I found it pretty easy as well (Either because I'm awesome or I was against similar ranked players, who knows), despite the aiming problems. Well maybe it's not the games fault, it's mine for playing with COD controls for too long.

Notice anything missing? Yea, the Nintendo 64, Want to know why? Of course you do, I don't, but laugh to you're heart is content. I was so stupid back then. I had money saved up for one and really, really wanted one, I even drew a picture of me playing one and slipping it under my parents bedroom door, in some sort of attempt for them to buy it for me, unfortunatly didn't work :-( .

But I went to argos with money in hand close to Christmas, although they were out of stock but I could get it delivered on Christmas eve, but I was, aforementioned, stupid and wanted then and there so I declined. Though later I used that well earned cash to purchase to buy my sister a me-mo-mo, and a typewriter, yes if this was someone else I would have been like WTF?? Only case I can put forward was that I didn't have a computer, nope? Didn't think that was a very good excuse, I never even used the damned thing. Although my good mate had one and played it quite a lot, games such as FIFA, Goldeneye, Pokemon (Of Course!) and Southpark, were the weapons of choice. Although he pulled it out a few years ago to have a play and I think I broke it lol! That was the end of that chapter unfortunately.

So yeah, that's a background to my Gaming life, my main objective to write gaming reviews but I may spread out a bit, but I'll start once I get a few games as it may be a bit late to start on the games I currently own. Hopefully you reached it all the way to end, if you did, I'll give you a treat, a smilie face will do for know :-)

Hopefully you stay tuned, Follow me on twitter, will update that thing if I add a blog.

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Happy Gaming :-)

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