- mcnichoj’s Activity
@dimsum88: Their YouTube name is literally "Fake Insider".
Mass Effect ended up being way better than any potential Jade Empire franchise ever could have.
The only new release that wasn't lambasted was Arceus.
@quinnd6: The FEAR games fell off hard after the first.
@olddadgamer: Game industry currently is the worst place for AAA games. Indies and retro are thriving.
@mrbojangles25: MK is a winner in the sense that the gameplay is good and the base game sold well but it has zero player retention as all casuals just run through the story mode once and then go into ...
So Elder Scrolls Online?
I recently paid over 5,000 each for a pristine Final Fantasy/Mountain Dew Xbox Series X and The Simpsons Movie Xbox 360, I think I'll pass on this.
Don't see how anyone could be happy with getting less content.
@daidochus: Chinese developers are GOAT'd when it comes to female designs.
I think we have a pretty good grasp on what video games are at their core, now we're just seeing what else they can be when wrapped around that core.
@illegal_peanut: It's a problem with long form story telling actually and needing to engage readers into buying your books. When did Marvel and DC start most of their biggest characters and what year ...
@illegal_peanut: You'll find more and more celebrities going forward that have played games. Millennials and younger generations will have experienced Nintendo, Sega, PlayStation and Xbox consoles as ...
@mogan: People need to stop bringing up Steam when talking about the poor state of Nintendo and PlayStation's digital store fronts. Steam actually has a worthwhile review system unlike all the other p...
@restatbonfire: Ice Spice the weakest thing about this season.
In their defense, I bet plenty of Japanese people pronounce it that way.
@gamerboy100: Licensed games and games with time limited cross-overs are two completely different things.Marvel games are licensed and unless made directly by a Disney studio, they will eventually be ...
The Uncharted factoid is pretty funny.
Cool, still don't care about their client.
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