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mcroberts Blog

More games, little time

Bought PORTAL and PORTAL 2 on steam...more games i want to play with very little time to play them with. I still need to finish DUKE NUKEM FOREVER, DOOM 3 BFG EDITION, SPAZ: SPACE PIRATES AND ZOMBIES, and STARCRAFT II HEART OF THE SWARM...need more time!!!


Surprised i remembered the login for this account...i am back tho sorta.

Hmmm wow

I haven't been on this account in a looong time. Only reason i thought to see if the account was still accessable was cause i just got Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty, which is the first video game i've bought in a long time. Dunno if i'll spend much time here, but we'll see.

I will rescue you

Wow, everytime i post I blog I claim to be back and that i'll be doing a lot of stuff on the site again, then i disappear for numerous months just to come back and make similar claims...well not anymore. I am back at the moment, but don't know how long that lasts. I bought a couple new/used games. NCAA Football 07 since my brother left my NCAA football 06 at his friends house bout three months ago and hasn't been back to get it. So i went out the other day to a used game store and bought NCAA Football 07 for $5...not bad deal. Also on the football tangent I bought Arena Football Road to Glory, which I've been getting into the Arena football league stuff as of late and wanted to get a game in that style of football. So a lot of football for me now. I started playing Cold Fear back when I wrote my last blog, got a bit into the game then lost interest/lost the time to play it so i've gotta take my next day off and get myself back into that game. Also I never got around to starting Resident Evil 4 yet. Was gonna wait till I finished Cold Fear first, which obviously hasn't happened yet so me playing that game will be a little off for a little while longer. Otherwise nothing video game wise is up. Nothing else anything is up. Haven't bought any new electronics or anything to talk about. So until next time (which could turn out to be three months from now)...hopefully not though,

Gone and back

Wow long time no see for real this time. Last blog was October 27. Well not much going on video game wise recently till today. Went out and picked a couple more PS2 games. Resident Evil 4 and Cold Fear. Both good games. Gonna have to pick up playing the PS2 again as much as I can before my little brother steals it again. Just gotta find the time. Otherwise nothing game wise unless you count the occasional Doom 3 or Return of Castle Wolfenstein i mess around in when i'm bored. Bought a Microsoft Zune a couple weeks ago, the 30gb video kind, and I love it. My friend has an 80gb video Ipod and has so much problems (has had it a little over a year and had it replaced three times I believe already and within a week of getting it replaced it froze up and he has to take it back again) I wanted to steer clear of Ipods...definitely. No problems whatsoever from the Zune. I like how it doesn't force you to use stuff either bought from their store or ripped using their software (the Zune even lets you use "illegally" downloaded stuff). Zune is good. Otheriwse been working on my friend and I's Movie/Music/Miscellaneous review site (well i'm the only one doing anything on it much anymore since my friend is rather lazy about it). To check it out go to Hellbound Reviews. Good day, night, dawn, and evening.

Stuff i guess

Been a while, i seem to forget about the blog thing on here. Not a whole lot happened since my last blog. I went to a couple concerts (Sounds of the Underground and Wednesday 13). Both were pretty cool and I hope to go again next year. Not much in the line of video games, i can't seem to get the time to really get into any games except the occasional Return to Castle Wolfenstein or NCAA Football 06. Hellgate London looks interesting. They have a demo for it now here on Gamespot, might have to download it and take a look at the game. Though I like FPS games, i'm not big on i dunno since Hellgate London is supposed to be a melding of the two game types. I've begun working on my site again...well the site that my friend and I are doing and finally my friend has picked up the slack and actually begun doing stuff again after over a year of not doing anything. Check the site out here:

Lots of reading

I've been reading a hell of a lot lately and doing much of nothing else. Lots of good books, 13 Bullets by David Wellington, Twilight Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko, The Regulators by Richard Bachman aka Stephen King, Desperation by Stephen King, and many others...all exceptional reads. Playing Doom 3 off and on, decent game though things popping out of nowhere is getting a bit annoying. Graphics are pretty good though. Nothing much else goin on in my world, just work, reading, eating, and sleeping, Final Thought: ZOMBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New kill

new computer!!! now i can go about getting some of the newer computer games cause I have a computer powerful enough to play them....i'm happy now. Saw lots of movies since the last blog...Spider-man 3...loved it...28 Weeks Later....loved it...yeah. Still looking for a new job, almost had one but didn't end up getting it for various reasons. Otherwise that's about it that's new with me. One final thought...STARCRAFT 2 HELL YEAH!

Ten Thousand Fists

Long time no blog post. I been neglecting doing things on GameSpot for a bit now...i'll have to remedy that. My birthday is tomorrow so I'll be 22...woo. Got my associate degree a few weeks ago, now working on getting a new fulltime job instead of where I am working right now. More on that in the future. Went to a concert last Sunday (2/25/07) and it was pretty cool. Ventana (local band) and Dope...very cool. Gonna go out and buy a PSP soon, hope i get enough time to play it. Got a new page I made with pictures that I have taken at various times. Check it out at Otherwise not much else goin on.

Merry Christmas

Well my computer has been back for a while now...just been lazy to post a blog. Going to a concert this weekend...Mushroomhead in Cleveland Oh. That's gonna be cool. Nothing much else...finished school and am getting an associate degree in Police to get a good job instead of what I got now. Well have a nice day and a happy christmas.
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