Hey I'm Back from my Retreat!
by mcrules4191 on Comments
Wow I'm exhausted the Youth Retreat was awesome!!! I gained like twenty new friends and I miss them because I have to wait like a year to see them again. We started off the weekend just meeting people getting use to everything and it was fun. The place had awesome food!! Then we met the Youth Council and those guys are an awesome bunch of people. On Saturday we had mass first thing then we met these two men. Named Brad and Gene. Have any of you ever met Brad and Gene from APex, if not you should. Omg these to are my new role models. First of all they juggle, their funny, and they have a great relationship with God. They are so in touch with the Lord that they seem to have a glow to them. Two very awesome people. Moving on we had an outdoor concert were we sang our lungs out. My throat is very sore. Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes, Yes, Lord. AMAZING!!! Then we had free time and had small group activities and things like that. But my most favorite part of the weekend was Eucharistic Adoration. I wish everyone could experience what I experienced on that field. Knelling before the Lord in the monstrance it seemed like no one else was around me. It was like just me and him. Wow! I didn't think of anything else why I was knelling I just prayed and hoped for peace and thought and felt all of these great things I have never felt before. I would give anything in the world tp be back there. Back in that place. Back in that state of complete peace. Wow!! Well my retreat ended today. My roomate forgot to wake me up and therefore I missed breakfast. But I was okay with that the Lord will forgive her. We ended the group with a mass that was so sad because I had to part from everything that happened. I didn't want to leave the place. But I did obviously. I will deffinantly go back next year. As for camping it has been cancelled. My friend must rest and she can't be active for like another week so there goes my plans for this week. We will both be okay though. All I can do is support and pray for her. She's going to make it through this cause I have faith in her. Well I'm back and I'm tired so I will talk to you all later. Bye bye.