- me2002’s Activity
Personally, Nintendo, but I can see their appeal to some.
We need a good game set in traditional Chinese fantasy. Wu-kong took the art direction a bit far, not that it's bad though.
Just a more power Switch.Mainline 3D Mario launch window.95% of games in the 1st 2 years will be cross-gen.
@SolidGame_basic said:@Jag85 said: And yet Square Enix still hasn't greenlit a new Nier/Drakengard game.Yea I don’t get it..Me neither.
@last_lap said:If I was hard pressed to answer I would say the Switch because you can play it on a TV.But they all suck really.I'm pretty sure those handheld PC's can mirror onto any smart TV wired o...
The look I think is okay but I feel like she's going to be an annoying character, she kinda already is.
Phantom Brave.
Time zones works with longitude not latitude...
Make fun the priority instead of DEI.
@iambatman7986 said:@me2002: It is weird that a die-hard fan would be excited for a remaster of a recent game. Wouldn't another expansion to Forbidden West or a teaser of Horizon 3 be more exciting? W...
Die hard fans : HappyNewcomers : HappySony : HappySystem Warriors : Upset
What happened to the Infinite 10 year roadmap? Did they scratch that?
Exclusively NOT on Xbox!!!
PS5/Pro boosted version is welcomed. PC also deserves this.
lems am cry.
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