me89me89's forum posts
GoW- God of War
GoW- Gears of War
Hmmm..... I can't help but notice something. What a conspiracy.
I have some wii points and I want to know if that new boingz game is any good. I got world of goo and i love it and this boingz game looks similar. Tell me if its good please.
**Sophina's Edit: Please use the dedicated recommendations threads at the top of the board to ask questions about which games you should purchase. Thank you!**
The only three games that ever need to be released on virtual console are these:
1.Zombies ate my Neighbors(SNES) Favorite game of all time.
2.Starcraft 64(N64 of course) Come on, a split screen real time strategy game!! awesome
3.Conkers Bad Fur Day(N64) How can you not love this game?
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