puzzle quest is good, but it serisouly rubber banded me one time, the enemy had, like less life points than me, i had 40, and in one turn it suddenly killed me, I was like "You rubber bander!!" but other than that one instance, the game is good. oh, mario kart is good too
odd, i didn't get that magazine. at palces like EB games or gamestop, the stylus comes in with the game, but I got it at Best buy, whom had the styluses up front. when i perodered nintendogs for the free lunchbag, i didn't get one, evne thoguh I was the first person to show up to get theris (they said they were going by order date and not who actually physically showed up early enouh to get it, jerks, they were RIGHT there physically seeable behind the counter!!), so this time i wanted the stylus THEN. target also had them up front, so it depends on where ye preorder it
heh, i went to best buy to reserve it (cus i wanted the stylus up front), so i got the Pearl stylus (cus its all tehy had), and the guy at the cashier reserved me for Diamond, which i didn;t notice til later. so i WAS going to get pearl, then i determined I'll get it eventually anyway, i just need 1 at laucnh
i have yet to go officailly online with my racing (because I quite frankly suck at several levels and have yet to estblish my internet connect fully hereh), but to think that some ppl suck so badly that tehy cheat? I'll keep a lookout for this...those fiends!
i ahve the same prob. i looked at the back of the box and it said PC only, so I'm assuming no. I'm still trying to find that damnable WEP key in my Mac...unfourtuanly, i was not present at my broadband's installation...
1) Pokemon (once it comes out) 2) Meteos 3) Mario Kart DS 4) Super Mario 64 DS (if u neve rplayed the N64 one, or liked it alot) 5) Metroid Prime Hunters
The only virtual console game I currently plan on buying is EarthBound (whenever it better come out!!) and possibly Kid Icharus (then again, I do have the Myths and Monsters GB sequal, so i can always wait on that).
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