Details are starting to leak about The Tragically Hip's upcoming CD, World Container. It's set to drop on October 17 and the first single, "In View" is available for listening on the band's Web site.
The new CD is being produced by Bob Rock and, based on the single alone, the group is going for a more lush, and far more pop-oriented approach this time around, especially compared to the stripped-down jangly affair that was In Between Evolution. The Hip have dabbled in straight pop in the past, yet always depended on Gord Downie's thoughtful, elusive lyrics and unique voice to lift the songs into something a bit more profound. From a melodic standpoint, "In View" might be the most straightforward tune the band has ever produced--its simple and catchy hook hasn't left my mind for days. I even kinda like the cheesey-sounding keyboards; they fit the uplifting spirit of the tune nicely.
What I find most curious to about the song is how little the lyrics matter here--another departure for the group. "In View" is one of the few Hip songs I can think of where the lyrics are literally overwhelmed by the melody; almost to the point of it being an afterthought. As I go through the day with the song in my head, I'm humming the tune far more than I am singing along with the words. Not a bad thing, I suppose, but from a band with such a tradition of strong lyrical content, I'm hoping the rest of the songs on World Container make up for the throwaway nature of "In View."