O.k Well the other day I went to a Scandinavian resturant down town with this club I am in. Well the whole evening was not exactly terrible but it was not the most enjoyable. We got stuck in traffic for 2 hours on a Bus. All because of a toll both that was under construction. Then when we get their they were not even ready for us, and they had over an hour extra to get ready. So since it was a realitively small resturant and the banquet room was upstairs( the returant was really a converted house but still nice) we were asked to wait out side. In the middle of a Chicago winter!!!!! So we got cold fast and decided to check out their gift shop across the street. It was big and nice but so very over expensive. I got a nice table book on Coffee.(I love Coffee). Once we got in and got seated every thing wen't well until...
The little tea candle lit the napkis on fire! Just the one edge and nothing really to worry about we just blew it out no big deal. Then a whole big I mean big glass of water got spilled all over me. I was not compleatly soaked and my napkin saved me fro m the brunt of it, but my whole place setting was destroyed. Then they beguin with the appatizers. It was a plate with a little plop of every thing. Now thank god, this resturant tells you what you are eating and it's cultural signifigance. To my horror it was all fish!!!! - the patato salad. Now not only do I not like fish but I am alergic( F.Y.I. It's not like a, if I eat fish you have five minuets to get me to a hospital or I am dead. No. It's more like if I eat it I will be miserable for the next few day's. As in I won't be able to keep down solids!) So no appatizers for me. The main coarse was not much better some more fish. The swedish meet balls were o.k but the sasages were horrible. I had like 6 on my plate and was only able to eat 3. Our dinner included Scadinavian soda. It was good and very unique. Like doctor peper with a kick. Desert was the only thing that went right. We had crep's with whipped cream and some berries native to Scandinavia. Then the ride home on a big bus was not at all nice. We hit every pot hole and bump in Chicago. So need les to say I went home and threw up a relativley exprensive dinner!!