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CnC3: Kanes Wrath.

C&C Kane's Wrath. Even thought I'm probably slow typing this, ha-ha. I Found the game quite entertaining, even thou the game "Missions" was really short and the only real Enjoyment of the game really did only last at the end, the game would have been good if there was a short GDI one (only because I'm a GDI Fan :D!) but there always something bad to say about games and this only thing that ticks me off about C&C3: Kane's Wrath, but if he did have a GDI missions.. i guess it wouldn't be called Kane's Wrath now.. oh well. lol I rate it 8.5 decent game, good new units and if there another Expansion I'll still buy it! bring them on! ~Meep

C&C 3 Released!

Woot! got my Copy of C&C3 yesurday and it better then i expected :D, i got my nice shiny Kane Edition which has an nice sticker on it saying " Limited Edition 4,136 of 8,100 " hopefully that means something lol anyway, those who got it i hope your enjoying it as well :D

Command 'N' Conquer 3!

Woot! only 3 days till the War begins!, i pre-order my copy 2 months ago, been waiting for this day for ages! hopefully expectation will be met, also clan battles and battlecast bring up some promising marks, but in overall, command and conquer has always been an good game no matter what. 3 days!, such an long wait :(

PS3 - The Long Week

Well.. the Famous or Not so famous arrival of the fantastic.. I'm not sure if it's legal to say fantastic and ps3 next or near each other :D but anyway, Week till the PS3 hits and i know i won't be waiting to get mine :D, but for those who phyc about it, Good Luck with it and tell us all, is it really worth it!!! after all we do get an degrade version of it >.>

World of Warcraft Madness!

World of Warcraft Madness hitting the streets of Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. plus im sure all over the world :) Only way to obtain world of warcraft account seems these days is to least buy an retail key online, which galdy enough i found tonight, so i have my world of warcraft account all set up :D but going into the madness, trying to find an retail disk with my mum, and shocking to find out over 500+ people have pre-order the darn thing making it almost near impossable to buy it, as EB said to me.. " We Been Telling Customers For Months to Pre-Order your WoW Game" so.. i check HB-FI, Target, K-mart, also some boge game stores and still sold out.. must be the 8mill land mark driving wow more insane then normal :P

Huge Disappointment,

After getting Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz. and seeing the rating game spot has gaven it, i find the game a huge disappointment,, with the lack of camra movement, also turning also vary of other things including the mini-games which i tryed with my friends (group of 4 people) and the games gave some of my friends an headache to how annoying they are :\ i think gamespot have rated the game to high.. should be around a 6.0 and yes the game does smell that bad..