meepers9 / Member

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CnC3: Kanes Wrath.

C&C Kane's Wrath. Even thought I'm probably slow typing this, ha-ha. I Found the game quite entertaining, even thou the game "Missions" was really short and the only real Enjoyment of the game really did only last at the end, the game would have been good if there was a short GDI one (only because I'm a GDI Fan :D!) but there always something bad to say about games and this only thing that ticks me off about C&C3: Kane's Wrath, but if he did have a GDI missions.. i guess it wouldn't be called Kane's Wrath now.. oh well. lol I rate it 8.5 decent game, good new units and if there another Expansion I'll still buy it! bring them on! ~Meep