for almost 20 years, we have seen gaming. we have benn through the best times (sonic) and the worst times (sega isnt producing anymore consoles). throgh all of that we have seen upgrades, downgrades, and just plain PIMP! before there were low graphics and less gamers. now we have super high graphics, more controls, more stories, and expetially more componies. but yet there is a flaw...back then, there was addiction that LASTED.
games back then had more reason to play. for example: mario 64, zelda: chorina of time, zelda: majora's mask, sonic the hedgehog. that game had adventure, style, addiction, and the lasted verry long.
dont get me wrong, i like alot of games now. most of them didnt have A CHANCE at being on those consoles. all im saying is that, most gamers like gameplay over graphics. we wouldnt like a SUPER REALISTIC GAME that lasted 2 hours. what im saying hare is " developers, please make up alot of great gaming that had the same great elements of those that were once great before. get the great feel, the idea, the experiance. dont make up crap ideas that you know damn well people wont buy. make something that will move people so much to sent raving fans throght the world. i know you cant do much because of usa's BS laws and "THE MAN" puttin us down but please do something that would round-house kick "THE MAN" in the FACE!"