Four Horns
Dear brave hunters,
I simply can’t bear to think about the terror and
Pain those Diablos are causing my people. Hunt
Down 2 Diablos for me! You will be awarded
Your princess
Finished reading their princess’s humble request; lanaticsynapes, megablueblaster, Valentine, and zaku set off to slay the Wyverns. When they finished setting up camp, they took what they needed and headed off. Mega-“Everyone got cools right?” luna-“ya”
Valentine -“ya” zaku-“…….” mega-“hare.” Mega stopped to give zaku the item. Just when zaku was about to take it, one of the Diablos jumped out of the ground, still unaware of its enemies. Zaku quickly took the cool drinks and jumped into action. Noticing the approaching hunters, the Wyvern turned and charged at the Hunters. Luna took out his plesioth water sword, and blocked the horns of the charging beast.
Then zaku took out her vor cannon and shot stuns at the blos. The tickled blos turned around and charged at zaku. Zaku shot bullet after bullet but her attempts were meaningless. As a last resort she rolled out of the way of the charge. Now, at the right of the Wyvern, she got a clear shot and blown one to its face. Lucky for zaku that last bullet did the trick! The paralyzed Wyvern screams as it yelps and struggles to be set free, but nothing could help it. Then mega wailed on his tail with his divine slasher but the attacks were bouncing right off.
Focused on the helpless Wyvern, the team failed to realize that something else has entered the area…. Valentine -“ get the horns” zaku” k” zaku loaded a clust and before she even got to shoot, another Diablos jumped right under zaku sending zaku flying in the air. Zaku-“WTF!” Valentine -“lol” mega-“lol” luna-“lol”. Zaku-“came outta nowhere!” at this time, the stunned blos was set free and sent out such an infuriating screech, it ringed throughout the whole area. Black mist foamed from its mouth, and it started growling. Mega-“….fuuuuuccccckkkkk…….” Luna-“...shyt…”
The infuriated blos sprinted towards the hunters eager to kill. Luna barely got out but the rest got totaled. While they were all on the ground the 2nd blos dug down in the ground and disappeared in the sand. Then Valentine threw a bomb witch emitted an ear splitting sound that scared the blos out of the ground and trapped because of the immediate jump. At this time zaku is on a cliff shooting clusts the battlefield was full of screams, blood and explosions.
Valentine -“luna and I will take care of this one. Mega and kazu, go take care of that one” kazu & mega “k” just at this moment the angered blos turned sideways and shot its tail down at the ground at luna. Luna flew back while mega aimed for the tail. Noticing this blos swung its tail back and forth warding off mega when luna got back up and hacked its horns luckily a horn came off (thanks to zaku’s failed attempts to stun it) and the hurt blos leaped back in pain. Seeing a chance to attack, mega headed for the tail again. He gave it a good hack and the tail gave away.
Meanwhile Valentine took out his ceramic blos lance and thrusted it at the trapped Wyvern’s horns. The blos finally jumped up, free of its sandy prison, and glides back down on its feet. Zaku loaded her last clust and aimed to shoot. Then, wile looking in her scope, a visepod appeared approaching fast. Zaku panicked and randomly shot anywhere. Unfortunately for Valentine, it was his chest. The clust zoomed at Valentine and exploded, sending him flying. The now free, Wyvern turned to zaku and charged. The idiotic Wyvern charged at zaku, not even focusing on the cliff right in front of him, and crashed into the cliff, getting his horns stuck in the rocks. Now valentine now got up and poked at its horns again. This time the Wyvern pulled out his horns (well one of them) and screeched angrily. Then it dug deep into the ground and fled.
When that happened the now handicapped blos limped away from the hunters. Then Valentine charged at the blos, sticking his lance out, and pierced the blos’s leg. The blos flinched then Luna cracked its face, forcing the last horn off. The scared blos screamed of pain then zaku shot a bullet that sent the blos to its death. The blos stepped back and sent its last screech to the skies, then crashed down and twitched until it was nothing more than a carcass.
Luna-“woot” mega-“1 down” the team carved what they needed out of the dead creature, and headed off to kill the other monster. The team entered the desert. It was hot and blurry, but the hunters’ drunk cool drinks to rid them of that. After 5 minutes of searching the desert, the blos jumped out of the ground in the distance. The team rushed towards it but then found themselves surrounded by piscine. Mega threw another bomb that sends the creatures flying in the air, frightened. Now distracted the hunters continue on while the piscine flop around on the ground.
As the hunters approach, the blos turns around and tries to escape again, but mega threw another bomb and trapped it again. The blos, helpless yet again, struggled to get out. Luna slashed at his face to get the last horn, but the blos jumped up and sent him flying back by the intense wind. The blos, now furious, foamed black mist from its mouth. Ignoring that zaku shot pierces in his face. Then all of a sudden, a piscine jumped out of the ground and tackled zaku. Zaku-“WTF! WHY ME!?!?!” Valentine, mega, luna-“LMAO” mega-“ill get em” mega left to slay the annoying beasts.
Luna attacked the Diablos’s leg, but the blos turned around and whacked him away. Then Valentine stabbed its tail constantly until the blos swung its tail to ward him off. Then zaku shot a pierce that shot off the blos’s last horn. Luna and Valentine attacked the blos continuously, using teamwork to their advantage.
Mega-“clear” zaku, Luna, Valentine-“g j” mega-“np” mega rushed to the battlefield to lend a helping hand. Then the blos turned and charged at mega. Mega rolled out of the way and sliced its tail. The blos turned around and charged again little did it know that Luna laid a pitfall trap! The blos ran and fell into the trap. Then Mega, Luna, and Valentine rushed and knocked the blos senseless. Then zaku loaded a crag and lit it up. The blos screamed and fell over dead in a ditch.
They did it. They did an unbelievable feat. Mega-“YEESSS” Valentine-“good job guys…and zaku” zaku-“lol” Luna-“that was awesome!” when they got back to town; they celebrated, and was known throughout the town for their bravery.