The Legendary Kirin
The final touches for camp were done. Megablueblaster, lunaticsynapse, Brandon_H, and Valentine are ready to go. The hunters gather supplies and set off into the mucky swamps. They came hare looking for a legendary beast that only rarely comes out of hiding. A peasant has seen this rare beast and has requested the hunters to kill it for him. Brandon_H-“plz don’t die mega J” mega-“stfu” Brandon, Luna, Valentine-“lol” mega-“ Kirin is just kelbi on crack -_-“ Luna, Brandon, Valentine-“LMAO!!”
As they came close mega stopped them. Mega-“w8” Luna-“?” mega-“ill get prey” Valentine-“k”. As they entered the area, they saw the Kirin across the muddy field with all kinds of prey surrounding it. The team rushed at it, not giving it a chance to move, for a single blow can send a soul to the afterlife. Luna charged his hammer and swung it so hard that he spun in circles which hit the Kirin with every spin until he spun out an uppercut. The uppercut smashed its skull and sent it flying. While it was on the floor, Brandon took his gs and slashed it at its ribs. The angry Kirin got up and screamed terrifyingly and its horn glowed. All of a sudden, lightning shot down from the heavens and surrounded it, blowing back both Brandon and Luna.
Meanwhile, mega was slashing and hacking his was through prey with his gs until he got surrounded. An ioprey tried to shoot poison at him but mega rolled out of the way. But then mega felt an excruciating pain on his back when a genprey gashed its nails into his back, causing all of his nerves to fail temporarily. Mega fell to the ground, unable to move a muscle. Then mega got up and did a side swing witch hit a couple on the left of him and did a back slash witch hit a prey in mid air, slicing it in two, and a few behind him. Then mega put away his sword and continued his duty.
While mega was clearing the area, Brandon was getting hi ass handed to him. Brandon never got a chance to get up off the ground cuz of the prey and the Kirin say this and rushed at him. Luna saw this and knocked Brandon into the air, strait over the Kirin and dodged. Luna-“lol saved ur asss!” Brandon-“thx -.-‘“ Luna-“lol np” Valentine rushed at the Kirin with his beloved Cermaic blos lance and crashed into the Kirin. The Kirin’s strength was so overwhelming, the charge pushed Valentine back. Valentine covered his body with his lance and started stabbing the Kirin. The Kirin screamed again, witch gave Valentine a hint, and summoned lightning again. But this time Valentine jumped back out of the way. The Kirin jumped and turned around at Luna and pranced at him. Luna charged his hammer and ran out of the way. When the Kirin stopped, Luna swung his hammer behind his back and hit the earth with tremendous force.
The un-phased Kirin roared and sent lightning shooting down at Luna. Luna tried to escape but it was too late. The lightning shocked him and sent him flying backwards. Luckily, Luna had his full grav+ armor on witch saved his life. When Luna got up he drank a mega potion witch gave him back his strength. Brandon ran away from the Kirin to take a power seed. Brandon-“…do you think that power seeds are what steroids originated from…?” mega-“LMFAO!” Luna-“LOL wow” Valentine-“lol” when Brandon took it, power flowed throughout his body.
When mega killed the final prey, he said “clr” and turned around to see the Kirin on the floor and his teammates wailing on it like 6 year olds playing cops and robbers. Mega rushed to his friend and before he got there, the Kirin got up and sent lightning down again and sent everyone flying back. The hunters quickly drank potions to heal themselves and then rush back towards it. The Kirin rushed at mega mega but he dodged it. Luna ran at it and did an uppercut at it but the Kirin hardly moved. The Kirin roared at it but it didn’t get to finish cuz mega back-handed its face with his gs and sent it flying to the ground.
Then after repeated beatings on the floor the Kirin got up and started run away. Then Valentine chased it with his lance hand pierced it. The Kirin flinched and turned to Valentine. Valentine stabbed the Kirin repeatedly and the Kirin tried to stab Valentine with its horn but Valentine side-stepped and stabbed its side. While this 1-1 combat with the Kirin and Valentine was going on, Brandon set a bomb on the ground. Valentine let up and ran towards Brandon. The Kirin followed but when Valentine got there, he set a small bomb witch set off right when the Kirin got there, enflaming the Kirin. The blasted Kirin flew back and lied on the floor, dead.
Valentine-“I PWN!” Brandon-“lol no. we pwn” mega-“shaddup” Brandon-“FCK YOU” mega-“umm srry im not gae “ Valentine-“lol”
They’ve done the unthinkable. They have killed an ancient beast that many hunters failed to obtain. They went home to be known as heroes.