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Fire emblem interesting fact

Hi guys! Until I figure out how to upload videos the right way again, I won't be doing any for awhile, so bear with me. Smashking777: the similar title idea sounds like it could happen, thanks for the idea, and everyone else, thanks. In the meantime, before I start my ds list, I figured I would post a cool fact about Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, for the gamecube.

Okay, so you know how there are three different difficulty levels? And you know about the final battle against the king of Daein(with his gigantic sword gurgurant, yeesh). BUT, did you know this? On easy and normal difficulties, the king waits for you the whole time so he can do battle, and as you approach the enemy units, you fight them simply, and you can call for an awesome unit to help you out right away! Then, when you take the king on, if you beat him once, that's it. You win! But aren't you curious about the medallion he stole and never used? Well, on the difficult difficulty setting(hard mode, you know), the enemy units come after you in wave after wave! But that's not the worst part. After 10 turns of fighting for your life, the king comes after you as well! And no awesome units for reinforcements to help! But THEN, after you finally beat him, he uses the medallion, seriously ramping up his stats and giving him his health back(great...). after this happens, you can finally call in an awesome unit to help. then you beat him and finally end it.

Epic, huh? Check this out. I won the last battle on difficult with Ike and Nasir(the secret character you get if you manage to beat the blackknight)back to back. With three elixirs each, and the Aerith skill(it combines Luna and Sol in one attack) for Ike, they barely survived. Actually, at the end before the king came, Nasir died, and Ike was on his own. Then after the first defeat of the king, I called in Tibarn(the hawk king) and barely won the second time. If you're wondering why I didn't use anyone else, it's because it's too hard to level everyone up. During the last half of the game, I sent Ike into all the battles alone. Couldn't be helped, but it worked great! So, hope you found that interesting! No more typing for me lol. Next post starts the list.