Wether its got the monicure Super Mario or Legend of Zelda the prolific tendancies of a game with a healthy backing of prior games has always been the constant in a healthy gaming franchise. Its a question to how these games do well even though they are widely disliked by many, why if a game is in direct correlation or spinoff to a prior game does it often do better then the previous games ?...That answer can be theorized that it is for the simple fact that it reflects upon another viewing angle giving more depth to the characters that the fans want. Operation Raccoon City may not have been the best game, it hardly stood out against other top 3rd person shooter games in quality and game mechanics, but it does have the other side of the coin so to speak if you've played a game like Resident Evil 2. Its not just Operation Raccoon City that has brought new zoning for Resident Evil games but years back there was another game called Resident Evil Survivor.
Resident Evil Survivor was by far not the high point in the Resident Evil series of games but its story had direct correlation to the significance of the prior events of Resident Evil the original. That being a factor brought about a new light and depth to what exactly transpired in Raccoon City during the Mansion Events of Resident Evil. Survivor was a First Person shooter with the same sort of angle going on as Operation Raccoon City... Terrible Mechanics and The game itself wasn't very fun to play in my opinion. This game also brought about its own line of games eventually leading to Darkside Chronicles for the Wii. Before I actually thought about it I hated the idea of Operation Raccoon City but with so many other Resident Evil Types of games its hard to single it out as a black sheep when in reality its only one in the collective.
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