The Developers are the one reason I am out there on release day paying full price for it (and select games that really deserve it like Elder Scrolls games I buy Limited Editions) The money hungry Publishers can go shove it! But really, I rarely deal with used games since I am a very decisive person. It's either I buy, or I don't at all, but when I do I usually buy them new. The only thing that has been a "problem" so far is Online Passes. There have been very rare occasions where I try to show off a game (Battlefield, other EA shooters) to a friend, in which, I can't lend him the game or even play with him. This made me think about how bad it must be for more than one gamer in a household and how much BS it is. It is like if I end up playing Wii sports with my other family members for the first time and I am to Bowl first, everyone else has to pay in order to have the same experience! I think I have thought up a solution though.... If Microsoft can lock consoles from online play via office computer, then why not do the reverse for games? To unlock online play for that console! Example: Friend comes over, recovers GT, can play split-screen with him ON THAT CONSOLE only, then because I convince him, another game sold! Not the greatest idea, but it is better for it to be tied to your console than tied to your account!
@bozotanada Look at the Batman AA shots and tell me that. (Definition of contrast in this case: The difference between light and dark) Besides that, I don't know what you guys and/or fanboys are getting all whirled up about. To sum it all up, both are great consoles and, like the article proves, the 360 is greater at textures and PS3 is greater at lighting. But if you want the best of both worlds you would go to PC as long as you keep it upgraded. And for the record, I own a 360 and a casual gaming PC as I am too lazy to to keep it upgraded in the ever-changing PC upgrade market. That, and to keep my sanity and mind sharp with a few puzzle games while in college classes when the professor goes off rambling.
@ TheBakersWife Personally purgatory is the ultimate hell cuz there is nothing!!!!!!!!! Besides that Dragon Age: Origins shows what these guys are talking about up there. After I beat it and seen the extent of my decisions, I seen some decisions at the time seemed good but was not afterwards. And even some decisions were not as clear-cut as you think. For example for those who played the game; the quest at Redcliff to get rid of the demon there, do you kill the child to get rid of the demon or kill the mother using blood magic to gain access to the fade and kill the demon there where the child will be unharmed? The first REAL decision in a game that I have seen that was hard.
"New tilt sensors make overdrive much more accurate and left-to-right movements no longer accidentally trigger overdrive." Like accidentally triggering overdrive was the problem.
megamega777's comments