i havent really been on here lately. i have been working a lot more and taking care of my son. living in indiana isnt so bad. i did get a new game for my gameboy. its spira season of ice or something along those lines. other then that ive been playing my gamecube when i have the time off to do so. with halloween comming up fast and then thanksgiving just around the corner, it wont be long n christmas will be knocking on the front door.
my mom n grandma came down to visit me just a few weeks ago and to hang out with spencer and to meet my bf. they actually had a blast while they were here. i showed them around town and then i took them down to apple butter, a nice lil town festival that was loads of fun to go to. my dad was down in june and that wasnt so fun. we had a flood then and they closed down the town i lived in, so when my dad hit the city limits they told him he had to turn around n go back home. he got kinda mad and just drove around the cops who were standing in the roadway. he came down to bring me my stuff that i had left at home and to hang out with me. which was nice, since i was starting to get a lil home sick.
other then that nothing really new. just been so busy with work and everything else. ill try to be on a lil more but i dont know when that will be