I'm back with another top 10 list,and this time with one of my favorite series of all time...MEGA MAN!this series is filled with excelled musical scores,from the robot masters,to epic opening sequences.I'll show you the ten that'll make the cut in my list.well lets cut the chit-chat and HERE WE GO!!
10.Flash Man's theme/Mega Man 2
Flash Man is always who I start with in Mega Man 2,sure people rather pick Metal Man or Air Man but Flash Man's power is useful in those stages (plus Quick Man's but that's another story).Also I love his stage's song,it's catchy!what can I say!
9.Mega Man 2Intro Theme/Mega Man 2
It starts off slow and nice...and then BAM!IT GOES AWESOME!I have this so low on the list because of how short it is...damn I hate constantly replaying
8.Mega Man X4 Opening Stage(X)/Mega Man X4
This gameis my 2nd favorite Mega Man X (My favorite is X5).Sure,the USA version featured the worst voice acting next to DBZ (maybe that's why X5 was text),but man the music was awesome!while Zero is 1000x more awesome than X,his opening stage theme wasn't as impressive as X's.His was fast paced,awesome,made you feel like always on the move.'nuff said
7.Skull Man's Stage/Mega Man 4
sure,Mega Man 4 was a dissapointing sequel,and Skull Man was probably the worst robot master in that game since he's just a Wood Man clone,but hey his stage's music was pretty damn cool,it was catchy and fun to hum to.And it helped distract you from seeing Skull Man was an awful robot master
6.Storm Owl's Stage/Mega Man X4
Storm Owl's stage....W007!!!!!
5.Snake Man's Stage/Mega Man 3
Snake Man's my favorite Robot Master.His stage had the right difficulty he needed ALOT of strategy to fight against and his theme is cool.it really showed what he was all about...kicking your ass.He took me many tries to beat due to his high level of damage.He was nightmare for me....he was horrible....he was awesome
4.Wood Man's Stage/Mega Man 2
Say what you want about Wood Man,but his theme was definitely awesome!His theme is my favorite of all the robot master themes.It had a cool beat,catchy,and-just like Skull Man-covered his lameness
3.Mega Man 3 Opening/Mega Man 3
The only thing that kept me from fighting the insane difficulty of Mega Man 3 (that and the game over theme with lyrics)
2.Dr.Wily Stage 1/Mega Man 2
Dr. Wily Stage 1 was always awesome to here at any time....it's actiony!if only the Stage 2 could be said the same thing.
1.Whistle Concert (Proto Man's Theme)/Mega Man 3
Ahh Proto Man...he's my favorite Mega Man character (yes he beats Zero,deal with it).Since Mega Man 3 I've been impressed by his mysteriousness,hisrivalry to his brother/frenemy Mega Man...and his Theme Song.It's really sad I'll tell ya.It made me cry *FUN FACT*-Proto Man's theme song is also the Mega Man 3 ending credits theme.His theme is also my favorite Mega Man song EVA!
HONORABLE MENTION-Shadow Man's Stage/Mega Man 3
While it wasn't impressive enough to make the list,it's still cool.It's Robo Ninja Gaiden!Shadow Man was also a frustration but he definitely had a great song.
Well that's my list for ya see you lata