Hey guys I'm not dead (at least last I checked I wasn't)
anyways I'm sorry for my lack of activity the reason for it was because I've been grounded
see in school I have 2 C's now that may not sound like a big deal but I'm an honors student,I normally get B+ to A+ grades
the good news is I have successfully brought my grade up to a B in one of them (Language Arts) I'm still working on Science,but we have a homework assignment that's worth a quiz,as long as I don't do anything stupid,I'm okay.
On a brighter note,I'm allowed online in the weekends so we have that
I'll be creating a Sonic Generations review (finally) and I'll probably try and post Part 2 of the TEAM EPIC!! finale,My excuse is that Wesker has a big bedroom that he has to clean
so that's the update so bye-bye!