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Top 10 GOOD (not bad) Sonic Characters

The Sonic the Hedgehog universe is filled with many faces.Some you want to punch in the face,others you want as the President.Many people blame the large cast of Sonic characters to be the reason why he's had so many bad games,I personally don't believe (I just think Sonic Team started getting careless).Anywhoo I'm going to talk about the 10 Sonic characters who kick the most ass.I'll also post their theme song,if they have one.STARTING WITH....

10.Silver the Hedgehog-First Appearance-Sonic 06

Theme Song:Dreams of an Absolution

Many people feel that because Silver first appeared in the worst Sonic game EVER!That he's a terrible character.That's not true,he's a pretty cool character,I like his personality,and they had a good IDEA with his gameplay (the execution was terrible,rendering him the worst main character in Sonic 06).Hailing from the future,Silver goes back in time to kill Sonic because he believes that Sonic is the Iblis Trigger,some weird lava monster that pretty much destroys the world.And since Sonic 06's story is removed from the timeline,he shouldn't exist.But hey,he has telekinesis powers,THAT'S FREAKIN AWESOME!!

9.Chaos-First Appearance-Sonic Adventure

Chaos battle giant.png

Techinically,Chaos doesn't have a theme song,so here's his boss theme for Chaos 0,2,and 4

I guess you wouldn't consider Chaos a character,more of just a boss,but Chaos does have a backstory and motivations.He was originally a cute wittle chao,then he touched the Master Emerald and became this water monster thing.Originally,he was a friendly guardian to the Chao and Master Emerald.Then something happened (which I will not spoil)and now he comes back evil wanting the Chaos Emeralds for power and wants to kill everyone for threating the Master Emerald and killing Chao (yes KILLING Chao)But ya know,he becomes nice again and is willing to go back sealed inside the Master Emerald.Well that sucks,he was cool!

8.Miles "Tails" Prower-First Appearance-Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Theme Song (in Sonic Adventure 1):Believe in Myself

Sonic's sidekick and best friend.Tails was the first new character in the entire Sonicseries.An Expert mechanic,Tails is arguably the smartest character in the series,probably next to Dr.Eggman himself.Tails can spin his 2 tails like propeller blades to temporarily fly and catch up with Sonic.And for people who say he sounds like a girl,his voice actors are kids,his character is 12 years old,what'd you expect?

7.Metal Sonic-First Appearance-Sonic CD

Metal Sonic doesn't have an official theme song,so here's One Winged Angel

The evil metal counter-part of Sonic the Hedgehog made by Dr.Eggman.Not to be confused with Silver Sonic from Sonic 2 or MECHA Sonic from Sonic 3.Metal Sonic is probably the most powerful out of the 3.He never talks (except in Sonic Heroes).He is just as fast as Sonic and more powerful in terms of strength.And yet he still gets blown to bits,twice actually!

6.Blaze the Cat-First Appearance-Sonic Rush

Blaze also doesn't have an official theme song

Blaze the Cat is probably the only female character in the Sonic Series that doesn't get me P.O.'ed.She's not a pink hedgehog stalking Sonic or a human princess making out with him.She has the same abilities as Sonic and even has her own SUPER FORM,Burning Blaze.Whether she's a princess from another dimention (Sonic Rush) or from the future (Sonic 06) Blaze is an awesome character and is,well AWESOME!

5.Dr. Robotnik/Eggman-First Appearance-You tell me

Theme Song (in SA2)-E.G.G.M.A.N.

And the halfway point is the evil doctor himself!!Dr. Eggman (or Robotnik,it's up to you)is an evil scientist who wants to take over the world,he also kidnaps animals and turns them into robots.He has IQ of 300 and he never stops trying to take over the world,even after CONSTANTLY being defeated by Sonic the Hedgehog,he always comes back.That's why I like Eggman,because he's so persistent and never EVER gives up

4.Knuckles the Echidna-First Appearance-Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Theme Song (WHICH IS AWESOME!!)-Unknown from M.E.

I have awesome memories of Knuckles,he used to be myfavorite Sonic character when I was 5.I remember arguing with my friend who was better,Knuckles or Sonic.But unlike Sonic,Knuckles doesn't chuckle :P:P:P:P:P:P.Knuckles is the last of the Echidna tribe and is the guardian of the Master Emerald.He has super strength abilities along being able to dig for treasure.However he is extremely gullible,always being tricked by Dr.Eggman thinking Sonic is the bad guy.Knuckles is a big idiot

Knuckles:SHUT UP!!

3.E-102 Gamma-First Appearance-Sonic Adventure

Theme Song (which is the best theme in SA1):

The character with the most personality in SA1....was a robot.A robot created by Dr.Eggman with a pink flicky inside him.Originally a cold-hearted robot,after a conversation with Amy and a look in the eyes by a blue flicky with her,Gamma learns to love (awwwwwww).Now considering Eggman an enemy,he looks for his "brothers" (other E-100 robots) to "save" them (and by save them.I mean blow them to bits to make the animal inside them free) after a blow from E-101 Beta and blowing Beta up,he dies a tragic death,freeing the flickies inside him and Beta.It's sad to see that he dies in this ending

guy #2:but he comes back in Sonic Battle

That doesn't count.But it was happy to see the flicky alive and well.Yep we'll never see him again


SHUT UP.Maybe give him new powers


*I shoot the guy*

2.Sonic The Hedgehog-First Appearance-Super Mario Bros.

Theme Song (in SA1):It Doesn't Matter

And #2 is the blue blur himself,SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!He his able to run at the speed of sound with ease and is the mascot for SEGA.First appearing in 1991 left the good ol' red plumber in the dust,the 2 have battle since in terms of popularity.In many favoriteSoniccharacter polls,Sonic is usually the winner.But not here the winner in this list is the toughest,coolest,most epic character in the series.Some call him a hero,others...evil.The #1 spot goes to....

1.Big the Cat-First Appearance-Sonic Adventure

I'm kidding of course.THE REAL WINNER IS....

1.Shadow the Hedgehog-First Appearance-Sonic Adventure 2

Theme Song (note that I'm using the theme for Shadow the Hedgehog THE GAME,I find All Hail Shadow from Sonic 06 lame):I Am All of Me

Told it was someone cool.I mean who likes Big the Cat?And yes Shadow the Hedgehog is my favorite Sonic character of all time.First appearing in Sonic Adventure 2,Shadow was first advertised as an evil Sonic.He wanted revenge on the world for killing his best friend, Maria.Shadow is almost as fast as Sonic using these weird roller blade...hover boots thingys.Shadow can use Chaos Control to slow down time and kick-ass and even has his own super form,Super Shadow.Nowadays,Shadow is less of a villain and more Anti-Hero,just hanging out with Rouge the Bat and E-123 Omega.Shadow has arguably the best back story in the entire series and even had his own (terrible) spin-off title Shadow the Hedgehog.

Well there you have it and before I go look at this

That had nothing to do with anything,I just wanted to show

and also who is your favorite Sonic character?go ahead and say it in the comment section