I will say this now. I have never based my game buying on reviews, as I make my own decisions (874 games strong and haven't regreted a single purchase yet,) but what I am seeing here is very bad business.
First off, if anyone could tell me how to email GS themselves, or Cnet, please share, I want to join in on this bull they are pulling.
Second off, I hope to god the next Tomb Raider isn't released by Eidos, because if so, I will not be buying it.
It makes me sick to think, that any reviews that have come out of this site, could now have been phony. Again not that I read reviews before purchasing, but still, the principal of the situation makes me feel uncomfortable as a gamer.
So after this post, I will be taking Gamespot off my favorites, and will not be visiting this site anymore, unless, I find out who the real culprate is. After finding out if Gamespot is purged of any corruption, I may return and view their news.
I never knew Cnet much, and now I am glad, I hope they falter, and what goes around, comes around. God or Karma, take your pick, based off beliefs, but one of them will be showing someone the error of their ways.
Gamespot reviewers who knew they had to make a good review to please advertisers, be ashamed of yourselves, your integrity went out the window in the face of paying your bills. Cnet, I don't know you, and I never care to now.
Godspeed, Gamespotters, and any employees who lost a friend/coworker to the face of arrogance and corruption.
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