The E3. The Game line ups from every (famous) developer.
Especially: NINTENDO!
It claimed a few (very cool) games, like Metroid: Other M, Mario Galaxy 2, Zelda Wii, Mario Bros. Wii, Golden Sun DS...Enz.
I like the Metroid, but I dislike the Mario Bros. Wii. Metroid looks GREAT! A new developer is working on this new game, and a fwe new things should be clear about Samus Aran in the story of the game. So that's some definetly cool stuff. At the other side there's Mario Bros. Wii. It's...the same as the Ds? It sure looks the same. I'll see about it. But I don't like it!
At last there's Zelda Wii. It wasn't officially at the E3, but it is announced. Looking forward to it!
That's it actually. Enjoyed it? I thought not.
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