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Sony messed it up again!


Sony Computer Entertainment Europe released the official specifications for the PlayStation 3 console, which will not include the PlayStation 2's Emotion Engine chip, thus limiting the PS3's playback capability for PlayStation 2 games.

Some analysts see the move as a positive one for the company


This is the n-th strategical disaster made by Sony's high management....

One year ago we harshly criticized Mr. Moore for having said that backward compatibility wasn't a priority for the XBox360 and, obviously, XBox user base wasn't as wide and as strategically important as Ps2's!

The situation that analysts don't want to see is that PS2 is still outselling PS3 and if this goes on for a couple of more years it will kill the PS3: Wii and XBox360 will keep selling and developers will invest only in these two platforms, besides keep developing and releasing new great games for the PS2 which has such a big user base. A simple game industry equation that everyone seems to forget at Sony: No excellent games + higher price = no sales.

The right strategy for Sony would be to stop PS2 manufacturing, make an effort to offer 100% backward compatibility in PS3 and say: "hey, you still want to play such great games as FFXII, Bully, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus? Sure, no problem, just buy a PS3!". In this way PS2 users will start saving and switch to a PS3 within 1 year. 

Please Sony, hire me as your President and I'll take you back on track! ;p