I'm going to basketball camp for two weeks. Why waste my time sitting on the couch doing nothing when I can work all day and then be greeted by dirty cabins and cold showers? =D [/sarcasm] But yes, this sucks majorly and I will miss my precious computer V_V But I can bring my Ipod and cell phone, which may suffice for two weeks...if not, some people may not return alive O___o
But I'm just giving the heads-up that I'll be gone from....uhh...*Goes to get sign-up sheet* July 6th to July 18th Whoop-dee-freakin'-doo. T___T
BUT, on the up-side, I just got a sidekick slide!! *Squeals with joy* And, to my great joy, it only came with one game, but the game is Bob's Journey: TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH And yes, it is supposed to be capitalized like that.......*fangirl scream*