The game every Halo fan has been waiting for. The 3 installment in one of the biggest video game series ever to hit the stands. Since Halo 2 in 2004, fans have been wondering when the story ends. When will Bungie come up with Halo 3. How fast, and will it be on the XBOX. It was obvious it would still be an exclusive, but for those that want to play Halo 3 and are still living off Halo 2 on the original XBOX, it's time to grab some cash, or your debit card, or your credit card and hope over to a video game retailer and grab yourselves an XBOX 360. And if you are hardcore enough, spend the extra $50 and get the Halo 3 edition of the system. It actually looks pretty nice.
I personally was never a Halo fan. I never had the original XBOX (I was a PS2 guy) so I played Halo very rare when I went to certain friend's houses where they had it. But I did grab the XBOX 360 for my birthday this year, and I'm glad I did. It's a great system (besides the fact that it can die at any time) and with plenty of great games. And with the XBOX 360, the notion that I must get Halo 3 is automatic. You almost can't own a 360 without grabbing Halo 3. It's THE game. What's even better is that they added the 4-player co-op, which is great. I'm a big co-op guy.
The store will have a midnight launch tomorrow night for Halo 3, and yes I'll be working. It'll be my first midnight launch, I wonder how it'll be like. How many people will line up and what time the line up with start. And for that matter, will there be a lineup at all? Either way, I'll be working one of the 2 registers tomorrow night, and then go home at around 2 AM and probably play Halo 3. I got myself a copy of the Limited Edition, and I can't wait to see what's actually inside.
I honestly hope that Halo 3 was worth the wait. It'll probably feel a lot better to me and those that never played the other 2 Halos to an extensive degree because it will be like playing a new game. So I guess there's nothing to worry about right?