Just becuase incompetant devs cant program for the PS3 does not make it crap or inferior to the Xbox 360. when devs know what they are doing you get games like Uncharted 2 when they do not know what they are doing you get games like Tony Hawk: Ride
why the hell is this still in the front page? its been here for about 3 weeks now... i guess Gamespot are to busy being fanboys to get on with any reviews or even post any new gaming news
Gamespot just want to start a flame war so that you spend more time commenting and arguing so that you are exposed to the ads on the site more which means more money for them.
I managed to snag me a free legal copy of windows 7 i tried it out and so far its great my pc is old and XP runs better i will use windows 7 when i upgrade
@ namelessfire Too poor to afford a dreamcast? seriously? i had one it sucked i sold it off to another unlucky sap and bought a PS2 also the dreamcast is not expensive it had price cuts very quickly and was selling for about $50. im sorry that your "fave" console died early boo hoo! Sega itself is a fail company also they cant make a good console to save thier life they lost all the previous "console wars" nintendo and sony beat them too hard that they are forced to create shovelware sonic games to scam to wii owners beucase those idiots will buy anything now that is an all time low.
melty3219's comments