menelso / Member

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So, I got a new HDTV from Best Buy last week (Hitachi) and it looks AMAZING. I've watched several fantastic movies on it already, including 300, Casino Royale, and Finding Nemo, but just recently played a few games on them. First off was Guitar Hero II. Immediately I was aware that something was different: the TV was lagging behind the music. I was like, um... not cool. But I went to options and it had a thing where I could calibrate the lag so it worked flawlessly. Good stuff. Halo 2 was a different experience. I had the usual over for some Halo 2 action and lo-and-behold, it lagged too. Only this time, there was nothing I could do to make it better. I attempted to turn off all the upscaling my TV might do, but nothing seemed to help. I didn't notice the problem nearly as much as my friends, but it was noticeable. I'm just hoping future 360 games have something similar to GHII or fix the problem altogether, because it's definitely a problem.