Video games are what got me thrugh my childhood, highschool, and some of college. Its the only i can truly escape this world and all the troubles that ensue.d while your away, you can learn life lessons, like plundering a village will make you evil. Or if you attatck chickens enough a flock will come out of nowhere and mercilessly beat you until you die. Oh yea and that anything is possible with some determination.
Resident Evil 4 was the last horror Resident evil. 5 was an action game where zombies...people infected with a virus, would pop out of anywhere and everywhere for no reason but to annihilate them. I wanna have the fear of walking in a dungeon where a blind hulk tries to destroy you when you barely have any ammo and you have no health and it takes 3 tries to figure out how to off him.
:( video games truly sadden me for the most part now a days
gruntilda from the banjo games was a fantastic villain, which means bad, your enemies were her minions were called badies, she returned time and time again with artarted rhymes that you for some reason could never get out of your head, and she was plain and simply a butthole to everyone in the game. even poor klungo. Even though i did not thouroughly enjoy bioshock,(gameplayw as too repetetive for my taste) andrew ryan was a superb villain, creepy, haunting, ever present, and brilliant. and you constantly throughout the game piece together his story. Making him more and more of a hated name
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